Studien Links
Xylitol: a review of its action on mutans streptococci and dental plaque--its clinical significance
Similarity of the effects of erythritol and xylitol on some risk factors of dental caries
Xylitol: bitter cardiovascular data for a successful sweetener
Weitere Studien
Söderling et al., Influence of maternal xylitol consumption on acquisition of mutans streptococci by infants, Journal of Dental Research. 2000; B. 79(3): 882-887
Dubach, UC/Lejeune, R/Forgo, I/Bückert, A, Untersuchungen 9ber den Einfluss von Xylit auf die Stuhlflora. Dtsch med Wochenschr 1973; 98(42): 1960-1964
Salminen, S/Salminen, E/Koivistoinen, P/Bridges, J/Marks, V, Gut microflora interactions with xylitol in the mouse, rat and man, Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1985 Nov; 23(11): 985-990