Press & Podcasts 2022
Foams belong in the washing machine,
not in your mouth

The two have a good laugh in the truest sense of the word: with their start-up teethlovers, Marie Greive and Alexandra Petrikat are revolutionizing our tooth-brushing habits. The two women have developed an organic toothbrush powder that, free from any artificial and unnecessary additives, makes our dental care healthier and more sustainable.
You can find the whole article here.

recall magazine., July 2022
teethlovers – Foams belong in the washing machine
Two young entrepreneurs are revolutionizing our tooth-brushing habits
The two have a good laugh in the truest sense of the word: with their start-up “ teethlovers ”, Marie Greive and Alexandra Petrikat are revolutionizing our tooth-brushing habits. The two women have developed an organic toothbrush powder that, free from any artificial and unnecessary additives, makes our dental care healthier and more sustainable.
You can find the whole article here.

wiwo, September 2022
“We make dental care healthy and plastic-free”
Teethlovers has launched a toothbrush powder without additives and plastic. What Anja Rath, investor and start-up financing expert, thinks about it.
You can find the entire article here.

Dental Barometer, July 2022
Topic: Foams belong in the washing machine –
not in your mouth

Two young entrepreneurs are revolutionizing our tooth-brushing habits. The two women have developed an organic toothbrush powder that, free from any artificial and unnecessary additives, makes our dental care healthier and more sustainable.
You can find the whole article here.

Live Talk on Entrepenership TV, July 2022
Topic: Entrepreneurship
The LIVE TALK with the founders Carolin Möllenbeck from ooohne and Alexandra Petrikat from teethlovers is about the topics of transparency, sustainability and starting a business.
You can find the whole interview here.

Jade Startup Box, May 2022

Topic: reasons
In this detailed #outofherbox interview, co-founder Alex reveals why teethlovers have thrown out everything in the toothpaste that has no benefit for oral health, why she celebrates Marie's strengths in team building and much more.
You can find the whole interview here.

The DentistWeek, DZW – FAN, November 2020
Interview topic: A look behind the scenes – For a radiant smile in a healthy environment
Here you will find out:
• Why we avoid fluoride
• What trees have to do with dental care
• Why the issue of packaging is one of the biggest challenges for us as a sustainable company and what came first… the company or the product.
Full interview with teethlovers by Birgit Strunk here.

FH Münster – University of Applied Sciences, November 2020
Powder for teeth: Marie and Alexandra bring “teethlovers” onto the market
"We did a lot of research, experimented and tried things out together and then, after we had thrown out all the unnecessary ingredients from the recipe, we ended up with number powder," remembers Alexandra. The focus was on the high effectiveness, such as tooth decay protection and gum care, 100 percent natural ingredients and Plastic freedom takes center stage.”
Full article with teethlovers by Katharina Kipp here.

Zahnarzter Fach-Verlag GmbH, DZW – FAN, August 2020
Topic: Toothbrush powder & Co., new must-have or oral care product with potential
“With gentle toothbrush powders with a low RDA value, for example from Teethloovers (, the powder dissolves immediately in the mouth, so there is no risk of abrasion on the tooth enamel. The teeth feel as smooth with the tongue as if they had been polished. Studies have also shown that tooth powders can remove plaque and stains more effectively than toothpastes [2].”
Full article by dental hygienist Birgit Schlee here.

Smile And Shine Podcast, August 2020
Topic: Alex and Marie from teethlovers in conversation with Thuminh Ngo – Social Entrepreneurship & their love for sustainable dental care
“This episode is about how Alex and Marie, as entrepreneurs, offer future-oriented solutions that are suitable for the masses to advance the zero waste movement. It's about the question of why we should hold on to ideas. We have to see whether the problem actually exists and find solutions. We have to look at how many possible solutions there are and whether the solutions make sense and are practical. Here you will get a deep insight into her passion project: teethlovers.”
Full episode on Apple Podcasts

Entrepreneurship Summit 2019
Topic: Participants in the Proof of Concept report
“The Entrepreneurship Summit catapulted our company miles forward in terms of its foundation. The high pressure of the month-long preparation period helped us to put a creative focus on the essential aspects of our company and to make important decisions. It was enriching in every respect to come into direct contact with our customers during the summit and to gain experience and real market insights. Since then, we have been working closely with some of the contacts we made and are grateful to have become part of this empowering network. If you want to feel a tailwind for your start-up, you shouldn't miss the chance to take part in the Entrepreneurship Summit. Thank you!"
More about the proof of concept of the Entrepeneurship Summit