Hvorfor tandpowder

  • 100% NATURAL


Helt grandchild!

Try it with the brush
I don't powder it.
Børstning af tænder.

Din yndlingssmag for

mærkbart rene tænder

Pebermynte - Citron

For frisk ånde and sundt tandkød

Citron - Ingefær - Gurkemeje

Hvide tænder and anti-inflammatory plant substances

Citrongræs - Rosemary - Timian

Skarphed for sound quality, antibacterial and forfrisking.

Mandarin - vanilla - chamomile

Mundpleje and cariesbeskyttelse, især til børn

Cheap and plastic-free

and it comes with teethlovers stand powder

first køb

Tin powder in a krukke

Start your daily routine with the generous krukke until €7.95.

Tomt rengjort

He behov for nyt tandpulver

Bare fyld op til lav pris i stedet for at smide væk.

Let's go to genopfylde

derhjemme with opbevaringskrukken

Med opbevaringsglasset leverer
vi 8 måneders tandpulver
direct response to dig.

FAQ about tan powder

The information about the brand with your customer. Description and product, come with medical information, or byd customers welcome to the boutique.

Tan powder vs. tan pasta

Teethlovers Organic Tooth Powder is the perfect solution, the best for 100% active ingredients, so that all givers directly to the mouth and mouth. Forskning har vist, at tandpulver it is only effective until at fjerne plak and tandpasta.

Sammenlignet with commercially soluble pasta can be powdered and made up to 80% of the silting material, the type of pasta produced → som glycerin, vand, skumdannende midler, konservingsmidler, emulsifier, stabilizer. There are also controversial substances such as fluorine, sodium lauryl sulfate or synthetic substances and fragrances. teethlovers omfattende, men enkle formula understøtter skånsom tandrensning, effective remineralising and cariesbeskyttelse. teethlovers økologiske tandpulver er sundt for mennesker og miljø!

*Undersøgelse: Sammenligning af tandpastas og tandpulvers plakfjernende effekt (2009), J. Int Acad Periodontology

Certificeret tandpleje
Strålende hvide tænder

teethlovers står for mærkbart rene tænder.

In the meantime you can drink something, coffee and syringe drinks can be made without any overheating. The skånsomme rengøringsmidler i teethlovers økologiske tandpulver, Rügens helbredende kridt and tysk the fjerner skånsomt plak and grimme misfarvninger. The foreign language is naturally hvidhed. The stimulerede spytproduktion gør sodavand and xylitol flydende and forebygger periodontitis and caries. The delvist anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and beroligende effect on plant extracts understøtter and mundmiljø.

For your natural beauty and sun of the day - drevet on nature!

Generous ingredients

100% natural - almindelig text

Birkesukker fra bæredygtigt europæisk skovbrug → mod caries og plak, muliggør tandmineralisering

Rügener helbredende kridt & ler fra Tyskland → rengøringsmidler, buffer syrer & remineraliserer

Natron from Tyskland → syrebuffer, fjerner plak and dårlig ånde

Pebermynteolie* → antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory

Citronolie* → antiseptic, revitalizing, soothing

Gurkemejeekstract* → antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, energizing

Ingefærolia* → antibacterial, antiviral, stimulator of blood circulation

Citrongræsolie* → anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulating blood circulation, forfrisking

Rosemary lily* → antibacterial, svampedræbende, stimulerer kredsløbet, opkvikkende

Timianolia* → antiseptic, immunostimulating

Mandarinolie* → immune-boosting, warming

Vanilla powder* → anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory

Chamomileolia* → antibacterial, soothing

Coconut oil* → antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and understated regenerating of the pellicula (naturally thickened film on the front)* with controlled environmental protection.

Prisssammenligning af tandpasta

Teethlovers ecological powder for the packaging and the pinch.

I and 30 g glass for 8 euros, i and opbevaringsglas for 20 euros and for genopfyldningsstationer cost of 30 gi glass set under 3 euros.

Hvis du bruger 0.3 g tandpulver pr. tandbørstning, koster the dig hver gang at børste tænder med tandpulveret
→ 8 cents, just for you
→ 4 cents with opbevaringskrukken

Tandpasta bruger approx. 0.9-1 g per piece påføring. Hvis din tandpasta costs 1 euro, betaler you 1 cent per. tan brush. Ved 4 euros per person tandpastatube koster rengøringsprocessen 4 cents, lidt mere end teethlovers økologiske tandpulver fra refill stations.

Skum goodbye, spyt olé

teethlovers ecologiske tandpulver skummer ikke op i munden ... uanset hvor længe du brush.

It stimulates the production of energy and is powdered into an emulsion, the sprinkler is in the mouth. There he spyt kroppens bedste natural middel til sunde tænder og stærk emalje, he the i start uvante børsteformnemmelse the hele værd. The forestry efter and short tilvænningsfase.

Skummende tandpastaer indeholder overfladeaktive Stoffer, som he nyttige i rengøringsmidler, men som ikke listener hjemme i mundhulen. Since the irritant is caused by the mouth and the external noise, the umagen will be returned to you with a sundere routine.

With teethlovers powder you can load the spyt gøre sit work: buffere syrer, rense tænder, regenerere pellicula og remineralisere tandemaljen. Are you still worried, or are you grinning?


Fluorine and hyped ingredients are used in the tandem pasta for hard tandem maljen and beskytte mod caries. I mellemtiden er fluor imidlertid blevet meget controversialielt på grund af the virkninger på hele organisms. If the "biologisk tandpleje" is based on the blood pressure, the blood pressure is local and the prophylaxis is carried out.

Hos teethlovers bruger vi bevidst ingen ingredienser i vores økologiske tandpulver, som he mistænkt for at være sunddhedskadelige.

teethlovers forebygger huller and the following girls:

Grundig and skånsom fjernelse af plak som fødegrundlag for caries bacteria.
Neutralization of the Syrians in the world is given a base powder.
Hæmning af cariesbacterial metabolisme ved hjælp af birkesukker
Stimulating a spyt and dermed remineralizing af tandem
Coconut oil, the understøtter en quickly gendannelse a pellicula (tændernes naturlige beskyttelsesfilm)



intet vand i tandpulveret (sammenlignet med tandpasta) = holdbar uden konservingsmidler
vandsparende brug: fugtning af tandbørsten er unødvendig, der er kun brug for vand til skylning af børstehårene
Can be bridged to humanitarian aid, also under vandfattige levevilkår
Please leave until all feedback and other activities are activated
mindre vandforbrug under productions
ingen unødvendig ekstra vægt under transport


And you dig over, hvordan tandpulveret holder sig uden syntetiske konservingsmidler?

Teethlovers ecological tandpulver has self-conserving egenskaber and giver ikke bacterial de specification betingelser for at formere sig.

1. det er vandfrit -> bacterier formerer sig derimod under fugtige forhold.

2. brug af æteriske olier -> planter producerer disse, blandt andet for at beskytte sig mod bacterial, vira og sygdomme. You can take advantage of your natural superpower.

3. alkaline pH level -> the alkaline milk is powdered to make it more attractive for syringe-causing bacteria.


Do you think it should be hygienic when you try to use powder and brushes? Et meget forståeligt spørgsmål!

Svar: On the bridge, he is the hygienic problem, for the powder, the comer in contact with the brush, and it's easy for him. Desuden har bacteria ingen chance for at overleve på grund af tandpulverets miljø (se emnet Selvkonserverende). Microbiological tests are carried out by the laboratory and confirm the hygienic performance.

If you're skeptical, you're skeptical about the fact that you get teethlovers-glass with your own eyes and give family information or a glass of glass.


Try the brush without powdering it.
Børst dine tænder.
He really takes it!

P.S. If you want to use the brush for hand, you should take care of Skylle Vandet Godt and you can try to let the brush not be powdered. The hydrofile powder is smaller than it should be. The må is dry and not powdered.

Gule tænder på grund af gurkemeje?

All the ecological powders, you can buy from your teethlovers, the grundigt plak and foreign products are naturally shown, the bridges are correct. Vi bruger et økologisk gurkemejeekstract i vores citron-ingefær-gurkemeje-tandpulver, som he fri gulfarvende curcuminoider. I stand indeholder vores økologiske gurkemejeexstract xanthorrhizole. Xanthorrhizol can be used to prevent caries-preventing streptococcal streptococci in minutes. It also has an antibacterial effect like Actinomyces viscosus and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which predicts periodontal disease.

Product sets packaging

Krukke til tandpulver
Teethlovers should use glass with bamboo and silicone ring to forage. The bruger bamboo, for which it is antibacterial, can be used in the pesticide and warehouse storage of less CO2 in the reason for its quick release and flow. Silicones are produced from silicon, so they are produced by the kvartsgrus and kvartsblock.

The lowest label with obligatory risky product processing is based on træmasse, the biologisk nedbrydelig and produceret på en climate neutral måde. Papirbåndet he lavet a "blå engel"-certificeret genbrugspapir. The betyder, when the paper fiber is used, is supplied with 100% genuine paper. Production processes save approx. 70% of the energy and 60% of energy from paper on jomfruelige fibre. Brugen af ​​skadelige kemikalier er forbudt, og the same gælder brugen af ​​optisk hvidt.

teethlovers opbevaringsglas reimburser op til 4 tandpastatuber. Glass set can be made from glass containers in glass containers. BioSeal is suitable for colored liquids, BPA and PVC. Label he lavet af papir.

1 kg of udpakningsbutikkerne
teethlovers refill stationer in packing butikker fyldes with 1 kg ecological tandpulver.
The 1 kg of levers can be used in a flexible stand-up poser made of monopolymer. Poserne smides in the gule skraldepand and can be guaranteed 100% and returneres til materialekredsløbet. Vi work the dog på at


Forsendelses materials
teethlovers indsamler og genbruger, before the he muligt: ​​packer and emballager including avispapir som fyldstof. The material used is the cardboard, small band and pole string material, which is applied to the paper and is carried through the paper. Papiret, the bruges til at trykke labeler and følgesedler, he "FSC" and "Ecolabel" certificate. Forsendelsen is climate neutral with DHL GoGreen.

First of all, he uses the genbrugspapir, which he certifies with "The Blue Angel" and tries to be climate-neutral.